from the blog

Career Advice

college graduate resume

How to Help a New College Graduate Launch their Career

Last week while attending a business workshop, I was stunned… almost speechless. During the introductions, we were asked about our business. I shared that this week one of my resume service appointments is to help a college graduate prepare a resume as they prepared to enter the workforce with a

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Apply Job Online-desk-computer
Resume Tips

The Right Way to Apply for a Job Online

Once you have completed your kick butt resume and amazing cover letter to apply for a job online, you need to either send them via email or upload them to the company’s server. Seems easy right? A few of my clients have had significant difficulty with this part resulting in

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Resume Laptop Desk
Resume Tips

Stand Out with Performance Evaluations On Your Resume

Prior to beginning your resume or updating a current resume, there are a number of documents that can help you create language to land the interview. It is vital that you prepare a persuasive resume and cover letter if you are interested in a promotion. Believe me when I say

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Resume Tips

Keep Your Resume Up to Date

If you are like most of my clients, you find it difficult and overwhelming to stay on top of your resume. What does it mean to keep your resume up to date? What do I track? If you want to remain open to future opportunities, land a promotion, and maximize

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Further reading

As I Sit – A Poem

The last few days have been busy with packing, repacking, buying food, loading the truck, and heading out for a much anticipated holiday with my

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