from the blog

Career Advice

Writing Tips

Top 5 Tips for Hiring a Professional Writer

When you are looking at hiring a professional writer to join your team it takes more than sorting through stacks of resumes. Are you confused about whom to hire to write your company’s BLOG or website? Are you struggling with writing your news releases or brochures? Have you posted an ad

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Business Strategies

Your Personal Bio: Boring or Brilliant?

With the social media frenzy long upon us, it is crucial to develop powerful business relationships. A key component of constructing lasting, profitable connections is the ability to engage others with persuasive images and copy to create a network of people who know, like, and trust you. A personal bio

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Resume Tips

Last Minute Inexpensive Awesome Gift Ideas

Does this ever happen to you? Has anyone brought you a little something and you felt bad because you didn’t reciprocate? Have you forgotten someone or have an unexpected guest show up last minute and need a small gift to give? Have you ever had a child tell you in

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The Poppies Grow

In Flanders fields the poppies grow, With heads bent sorrowfully in the snow. In Flanders fields the poppies cry, With tear drops falling from hearts’ eye. In Flanders fields the poppies stand, With petals raised to guard sacred land. In Flanders fields the poppies blow and shake, With pride and

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Resume Tips

My Christmas Prayer for You

May your cup of joy overflow, May your smile be wide and happy, May your tears be tears of laughter, May your feet dance with exuberance, May your dimples flash with good humour, May your eyes sparkle with hope, May your voice ring with Christmas Carols, May your face be

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Further reading